Estuarine Projects
Habitat restoration and effectiveness monitoring are being used at Grand Bay NERR (GNDNERR) to achieve the reserve vision of inspiring our community to value, support, and practice ecosystem conservation. This includes implementing restoration projects and best management practices, conducting long-term monitoring to understand the effects of restoration actions, and conducting and/or supporting research that addresses gaps in knowledge of Reserve resources and processes. Check out some of the estuarine projects below!
Subtidal and Intertidal Reef Effectiveness monitoring
In 2021, several artificial reefs were constructed in the Reserve. These included intertidal reefs in Bangs Bayou and subtidal reefs in Point Aux Chenes Bay. The materials used for the reefs included a combination of crushed limestone and oyster shells. The purpose of the project was to reduce shoreline erosion and increase secondary productivity.
We are working very closely with partners from United States Geological Survey (USGS) and Mississippi State University (MSU) to understand the effects of the reefs. This includes projects aimed at understanding the impacts of reefs on sediment dynamics (led by USGS), shoreline vegetation, benthic invertebrates (led by MSU), and fish community monitoring (led by GNDNERR).
Living Shorelines
In 2018, GNDNERR staff teamed up with the MSU Coastal Extension to create a living shoreline at Bayou Heron boat launch. The primary elements we used were coir logs, smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora), and black needlerush (Juncus roemerianus) plantings that have thrived in the past few years.