Public Access Enhancement
Stewardship staff maintain public lands by removing debris and conducting periodic maintenance (e.g., trail clearing, staging area maintenance) in estuarine and upland areas to maintain functioning ecosystems and to enhance the aesthetic value for the public.
Trail Creation and Maintenance

There are several trails within the Grand Bay NERR and NWR. Each trail requires maintenance to keep up with public access needs. Whether it’s our boardwalk behind the building, the savanna trail next to our parking lot, the birding trail down the road, or our kayaking blueway, we try to keep it nice, just for you!
Learn more on our Trails page!
Debris Removal

Sometimes being good stewards of our land also means removing trash and debris, both in upland habitats and in the estuary. We often find debris that needs removal after storms or from old homestead sites in our uplands.
Keeping our Reserve clean means maintaining healthy habitats for our native species. If you’d like to help us with debris removal efforts, be sure to stash your trash if you’re on our trails or boating. We also participate in coastal cleanups, and we can help coordinate group service projects.